If you’ve landed on this page, it may because of a broken link on our site, because a page that we used to have up was moved or deleted or because the URL you used has a typo or no longer exists. Below are some of the most helpful resources we’ve identified that can help get you to what you were looking for. If you’re still not finding the information you need, you can reach out to us directly here.

The Missouri Abortion Fund logo is black and white with a square surrounding the letters MOAF. The O is replaced with an icon showing the state of Missouri.

Missouri Abortion Fund 

If you can’t afford to pay for your abortion care, Missouri Abortion Fund may be able to help. There is no income threshold to qualify. Missouri Abortion Fund works directly with clinics to assist any Missouri resident. If you or a loved one needs help paying for an abortion, please inquire about financial assistance at the clinic when you make an appointment.

Text 855-458-0886

Right By You operates a confidential, anonymous text helpline with trained volunteers available to help Missourians navigate reproductive healthcare. We have specialized knowledge in youth access to reproductive healthcare, but we serve Missourians of all ages who need our help. We distribute free emergency contraception in Columbia, with plans to expand to additional cities in late 2023. Our text line is available 6 days per week at 855-458-0886.



If you’re looking for support with abortion care, abortionhelpmo.com has a clinic finder, lots of answers to FAQs, access to tons of specific resources and more.

AbortionHelpMO is a public education campaign intended to make sure Missourians know that abortion is still an option, and connect them with the help they need to access that care. Through our work, Missouri Abortion Fund, Right By You and AbortionHelpMO have observed a need for clear, accurate information on abortion options for Missourians, and reassurance that there is trustworthy support available to those who need it. We have joined forces to respond to that need through this website, social media and additional platforms.

The words MIDWEST and COALITION are in all caps with the word access, larger but not capitalized in the center of 6 yellow circles. The yellow circles are similar to what you might see if you circled words on a piece of paper multiple times.

Midwest Access Coalition

Midwest Access Coalition (MAC) is a practical abortion fund that helps people traveling to, from, and within the Midwest to access a safe, legal abortion. They offer support in the following areas:

  • Food

  • Medicine

  • Child Care

  • Travel Coordination & Costs

  • Lodging

Partner Clinics

The Missouri Abortion Fund intentionally reduces the burden on patients by working with providers directly to allocate funds. We have multiple clinic partners in neighboring states that we give money to spend quarterly. We work with these partners to allocate those funds for Missourians, helping pay for the cost of abortion care. If the provider you’ve made your appointment at is not on the list below, we will work individually with them to help determine financial assistance options.

See Our Clinic Partner List

Additional Resources

The internet is a big place with a lot of information to sift through. We’ve curated some links to a few of our favorite most-recommended resources, already vetted and organized by topic just for you.

  • The Missouri Abortion Fund is a part of The National Network of Abortion Funds. Visit their site for additional funding strategies for your abortion.

  • There are plenty of resources about safe abortion using pills, also known as self-managed abortion (SMA).

    Learn more about Safe Abortion Using Pills

  • If you need help with travel or other practical costs, Midwest Access Coalition might be able to help. 

  • Options counseling is a dedicated service to help you make decisions about your care and support.

    The Regional Logistics Center can assist you with getting additional information and resources after you’ve made your appointment and if your appointment is in Illinois. They are also available via phone at (618)-607-5080.

    The National Abortion Federation Hotline answers any questions you may have about abortion, unintended pregnancy, or related issues. The hotline is free, completely anonymous, and offers services to everyone, regardless of their individual situation. Call (800)-772-9100 to speak with a counselor. Keep calling until you get through.

    All Options‘ free talkline provides nonjudgmental options counseling on unintended pregnancy, abortion, adoption, and parenting. Call (888)-493-0092 to speak with a counselor.

  • A Home Here is a virtual post-abortion Community Circle held on the second Tuesday of every month from 7:30-8:45PM CST. This space is intentionally curated to be inclusive, supportive, and open, without any judgment.

    All-Options Talkline is a call away (888-493-0092) if you would like to talk about a past or current experience with abortion, adoption, parenting, infertility, or pregnancy loss.

    ReproCare connects you via phone (833-226-7821) to peer-based emotional support, medical information, and referrals from 10AM - 10PM CST, 7 days a week.

    M&A Hotline connects you via text or phone (833-246-2632) with doctors with years of experience helping people manage abortion and miscarriage. 10AM - 10PM CST, 7 days a week.

    Exhale: Pro-Voice is a talkline (617-749-2948) service to help individuals process their feelings and emotions around abortion. Weekdays 1PM – 7PM CST // Saturday 11AM - 7PM CST // Sunday 1PM – 5PM CST

    Faith Aloud is here if you have spiritual concerns about abortion or pregnancy decisions, you are not alone. Call them at (888)-717-5010 to be connected to compassionate clergy and religious counselors who will listen and offer support without judgment.

    Want to give feedback on your experience accessing abortion care? *paid opportunity

    The Reproductive Equity Action Lab at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is conducting a study on Black people’s abortion care experiences and preferences. Participation includes a one-hour confidential interview with a research team member over Zoom, a video call you access from a computer or mobile device. Those who are eligible and participate will be paid $50 for their time. Share your experiences & help us understand what kind of care you’d like to receive. Black people who have had an abortion are invited to take our screening survey: https://tinyurl.com/bopps1

Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve included some FAQs below, but the best resource to get your all of your questions answered is abortionhelpmo.com.

  • MOAF works directly with clinic partners to ensure that Missourians get the financial support they need to access abortion care. We do not complete intake with patients for financial assistance. To learn more about our process, visit our Get Help page.

  • From abortionhelpmo.com:

    Missourians have the right to travel out of the state to access abortion care. There are clinics located near the Missouri border in Kansas and Illinois. To find your closest abortion clinic, visit ineedana.com or text Right by You at 855-458-0886.

    There may be legal risks if any part of the abortion takes place in Missouri or another state that has banned abortion. If you have concerns about legal risks, contact the Repro Legal Helpline at 844-868-2812.

  • The Missouri Abortion Fund changed its name from The Gateway Women's Access Fund to Missouri Abortion Fund in 2020.

  • The Missouri Abortion Fund is committed to our position on gendered language.

    Though the majority of those seeking abortion care are cisgender women, some, including transgender men, non-binary folks, and gender nonconforming people will access prenatal and abortion care in their lifetimes. We recognize the discrimination and barriers that pregnant trans people face, and we affirm the right of all to obtain safe and legal abortions. Referring to “women” only also excludes children and young adults, who also need abortions. We are intentional about using non-gendered language when referring to abortion patients.